Thursday, January 31, 2008

MOVIE POSTER themed photo shoot

I’ve started up a series of faux movie poster photo shoots. I’d love to build this series designing many different genres of movie posters. They can be based on a real movie, like the Tomb Raider poster below, or something completely original!

Now the whole point of doing this type of shoot is to walk away with a poster, right? So I’ve introduced a special rate just for this type of shoot.

Movie Poster Shoot - $200 includes:
- 1 hour shoot with 1 lighting setup
- 10 final color corrected images to choose from
- poster design specifically for you (1 by itself, 1 in “Coming Soon”display)
- 20″ x 30″ printed poster of your favorite image (originally $125 alone!)
- Professional looking DVD case to accompany the movie poster (disc contains websize versions of your images)
- 4″ x 6″ prints of all 10 of your final images

Ok, so if you want to star in your own movie, here are some things I’ll need from you:

1. Decide what genre of movie do you want. examples: comedy, action, scifi, horror, drama, fantasy, romance, etc… This will influence the overall look to the poster.

2. Get the necessary costume, wardrobe, and props to make this happen. (We can figure out together what that all entails.)

3. Come up with a title for your movie. (I can help you with that if you need it.)

4. A list of 15 - 20 names (first and last) of people you want to be used in the credits.

5. Anything else you can think of to make this as personal and unique as possible.

Now I can help you with as much of this as you need, but this is the basic check list of what needs to happen for the poster to work. Once I know what direction you are thinking, and what you have vs what you need, I’ll know what the next step will be.



Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Website

I just finished redesigning my website. It's a lot more streamlined than the old site. Plus this really gives you a chance to see my work, since the photos are full screen! Much better than the tiny sizes that most sites display photos.

Plus I've added lots more wedding and portrait photos to give people a better idea of what to expect if they book me for those.

So take your time and check it all out! Enjoy everyone!